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负压风机厂家: miliband and cameron get personal in tv debate

"Instead of these ridiculous tactics, why don't you show a bit more backbone and turn up for the head-to-head debate with me? Any time, anywhere, any place."

And last week Mr Cameron said his "final offer" was to take part in a single debate of seven party leaders before 30 March - an offer which was rebuffed by the broadcasters who said they would go ahead with their three planned debates with or without him.


Downing Street has said it will "look at" the proposals.


Miliband and Cameron get personal in TV debate row

"I hope that the prime minister will muster up the courage to stand by his own words, and show up to try and defend his record in government."


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Planned debate schedule


Mr Cameron attacked Mr Miliband as "despicable and weak" for not ruling out a post-election deal with the SNP.

"In 2010 they were watched by more than 20 million people and our research suggests there is an appetite for them in 2016. We have issued invitations to seven party leaders and we continue to hope they will all agree to take part," they added.



He said the head-to-head debate should be between the two people who "actually call the tune - that is me and Alex Salmond".

"There is an offer on the table," he said.

Robin Brant explains why empty chairs and chicken noises have become part of the row.


A Green Party spokesman said the party was "looking forward to receiving the invitation from the Guardian/YouTube and Telegraph" and would "relish" the chance to take part.

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He challenged the Labour leader to reject a post-election deal with the SNP, adding that if "he had an ounce of courage he would rule it out".

But he said the prime minister should not be able to let it excuse him from taking part in the equivalent TV debates.

UKIP leader Nigel Farage said: "Scrutiny is an important part of democracy, and for this reason I am delighted to accept the Telegraph/Guardian/YouTube invitation to this debate - so that I can make the case to the British electorate on why they should vote UKIP.

16 April: Seven-way debate featuring David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon, Natalie Bennett and Leanne Wood (BBC broadcast)


Mr Miliband said the PM's handling of the election debate issue "goes to his character", telling him: "The public will see through your feeble excuses.

Miliband and Cameron get personal in TV debate row


Ed Miliband and David Cameron launched attacks on each other's character in angry Commons exchanges over televised election debates.

Lord Michael Grade Lord Grade said broadcasters should "get back in their box"

The SNP's leader at Westminster, Angus Robertson, predicted Labour would have to do a deal with the SNP.

2 April: Seven-way debate featuring David Cameron, Ed Miliband, Nick Clegg, Nigel Farage, Nicola Sturgeon, Natalie Bennett and Leanne Wood (ITV broadcast)

Mr Cameron claimed Mr Miliband was "despicable" for trying to "crawl into Downing Street" in alliance "with people who want to break up our country".


The BBC, Sky, ITV and Channel 4 plan to hold three live televised debates in April - two featuring the leaders of Conservatives, Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the SNP, Plaid Cymru, UKIP and the Green Party, then one with only Mr Cameron and Labour leader Ed Miliband.

That stance came under fire on Wednesday morning from former BBC, ITV and Channel 4 boss Lord Grade, who suggested broadcasters were breaching impartiality rules and "playing politics".


Lib Dem general election co-ordinator Lord Ashdown said the party remained committed to election debates and would consider the digital debate proposal.

Mr Cameron replied: "You want to talk about the future of a television programme, I want to talk about the future of the country. Four questions, three weeks to go, you can't talk about jobs because we are growing jobs. You can't talk unemployment, because unemployment is plummeting. You can't talk about inflation because it is at a record low.

2010 leader debates

In a joint response to Lord Grade's comments, the broadcasters said they were "trying to deliver debates because we know our audiences want them".

"The truth is you are weak and despicable and want to crawl to power in Alex Salmond's pocket."

Ed Miliband accuses David Cameron of "pathetic and feeble excuses" but is told he is "despicable and weak"



Mr Miliband hit back, saying Mr Cameron would not be able to "wriggle off" the debates and said "there is only one person preparing for defeat and it is this prime minister".



The Labour leader accused the PM of "chickening out" of a debate with him, saying: "Like all bullies, when the heat is really on he runs for cover."


The Conservative peer said it was "not acceptable for unelected journalists" to replace David Cameron with an "empty chair" if he refused to take part in any televised debates.