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    平面式负压风机:john kasich to attend nyc dinner on march 25

    Bulgaria PM Borisov seeks to halt security turmoil

    PM Boiko Borisov (Feb 2016) Prime Minister Boiko Borisov wants anti-corruption work handled by the government not security services

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    "Bulgaria's performance [on tackling corruption] has been rather disappointing, compared with what the Romanians are doing," he told the BBC.

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    A Kasich spokesman could not be reached for comment.

    The Committee to Unleash American Prosperity has organized events for at least two other potential White House candidates in recent months, including Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Ex-New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani touched off a firestorm at the dinner featuring Walker when he delivered remarks questioning President Barack Obama's love for America.

    "The appointment of Rumyana Bachvarova is a signal that the government wants calm, and a move away from all these tricks of the old dogs in the security sector," said Ognian Shentov, head of the Centre for the Study of Democracy in Sofia.

    Kasich is speculated as a potential 2016 Republican presidential candidate, and his recent and upcoming travels, including his visit to New York City later this month, signal that he's weighing his options and putting out feelers to potential donors.

    The junior partner in the Bulgarian government, the Reformist Bloc, has proposed that Bulgaria set up an independent national anti-corruption directorate, along the lines of Romania's model.

    来源:Bbc 更新时间:2016-03-13 12:14:38 分类:News

    Considered one of the EU's most corrupt countries, Bulgaria's judicial system was placed under the Commission's special supervision when it joined the EU in 2007.


    The idea is to leave it freer to deal with counter-terrorism work, says Daniel Smilov of the Centre for Liberal Strategies in Sofia.

    New York (CNN)Ohio Gov. John Kasich will mingle with New York elites at a dinner in Manhattan on March 25, organizers tell CNN.


    Bulgaria PM Borisov seeks to halt security turmoil
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    Organizers said they are in the process of nailing down a date to host former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. Kudlow said he was approached by Kasich, Bush as well as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz about about wanting to attend the dinner, previously held at the 21 Club.


    Both countries have been blighted by corruption. But, in recent months, dozens of former top officials in Romania have been imprisoned or fined.

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    Bulgaria's State Agency for National Security (DANS) was only set up seven years ago, when two other intelligence services were merged.


    Prime Minister Boiko Borisov heads a fragile coalition of his Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria (Gerb), which won parliamentary elections last October, and the Reformist Bloc, which depends for a majority on the right-wing Patriotic Front and the leftist Alternative for Bulgarian Revival.

    John Kasich to attend NYC dinner on March 25 - CNN.com
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    Bulgaria's parliament has approved the appointment of a new interior minister, Rumyana Bachvarova, after a week of drama in which five top officials have resigned or been replaced in the secret services and interior ministry.

    Its annual report in January called for a "further change in political culture and a real sense that these issues are at the top of the agenda".

    A major challenge facing the government in Sofia is a continuing wave of illegal migrants, especially from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and North Africa, across the border from Turkey.

    SEE: Giuliani stands by Obama comments

    The Bush and Clinton families: A relationship roller coaster 01:41

    The political turmoil at the heart of government has hit a country which was warned in a European Commission report earlier this year that much more had to be done to fight organised crime and corruption.

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    But a series of wire-tapping scandals and controversial appointments undermined its reputation and Boiko Borisov has twice tried to return its anti-corruption work to the interior ministry: first in 2009, and again now.

    "All the candidates seem to want to come to our dinners, which is great. That's what we'd hoped," he said.

    The tensions at the top of Bulgaria's coalition government are, according to analysts, more about the speed of change than differences in policy.


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