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    铁皮厂房排风通风降温:polish politician says he understands p


    "(Otherwise) you will soon bite your fingers with remorse.


    ISIL Accepts Pledge of Allegiance From Nigeria's Boko Haram / Sputnik International
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    Boko Haram has killed thousands and kidnapped hundreds in the last six years in its efforts to create an Islamist state in northern Nigeria.  

    He also gave his reasons why the US wants war at this particular moment.

    Korwin-Mikke said that he understands President Putin’s behavior, as Russia is surrounded by NATO bases, while there are no Russian bases around the US. In addition, he said, the US has been evidently moving towards a war in Ukraine for the past six months.

    Former Polish Foreign Minister Andrzej Olechowski told Polish television Wednesday that Russia is not preparing for war over Ukraine, and that if it were, all Poles can do is to pack their bags and run to Australia. He added that in his view, arming Ukraine is a mistake, and noted that the West's present strategy on Russia is akin to insanity.
    Polish Ex-Foreign Minister: Russians Not 'Suicidal', Don't Want Open War
    A Polish politician and member of the European parliament, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, is convinced his country should stick to neutrality in the Ukrainian conflict.

    来源:Sputnik 更新时间:2016-03-13 02:47:46 分类:News

    Janusz Korwin-Mikke, leader of the far right and eurosceptic Congress of the New Right Wing party

    Polish Politician Says He Understands Putin, Accuses US of Warmongering

    ? AP Photo/ Alik Keplicz
    A Polish politician and MEP has criticized his country’s stance on the Ukrainian conflict and said he understands the position of President Putin, whose country is being surrounded by NATO bases.


    Commenting on the relations between Russia and Poland, Korwin-Mikke noted that there is no tension between the two countries and the situation on the border is absolutely calm. However, he added that Russian politicians regard most of his colleagues as “Washington’s poodles”

    "We have no single reason to take part in this war," he said in an interview with the Polish news channel TVN 24. “The US has not been attacked. The NATO Treaty is only invoked if coalition members are attacked.”

    Adnani also issued a threat to Jews and Christians, Reuters reported.


    Korwin-Mikke slammed the idea of training Ukrainian soldiers in Poland, which was announced by Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak in February. The politician said that his country’s help training Ukrainian military instructors in Ukraine, as a NATO response to Kiev's request for military assistance, was a hostile act against Russia.

    "If you want to save your blood and money and live in safety from our swords… you have two choices: either convert or pay jezyah (tax for non-Muslims under Islamic rule)."

    "Our caliph, God save him, has accepted the pledge of loyalty of our brothers of Boko Haram so we congratulate Muslims and our jihadi brothers in West Africa," spokesman Abu Mohammed al-Adnani said in an audio statement, adding that Boko Haram's pledge had opened a new door for Muslims who could not join IS in Iraq and Syria "to migrate to the land of Islam and fight."

    Image taken from video by Nigeria's Boko Haram terrorist network

    ISIL Accepts Pledge of Allegiance From Nigeria's Boko Haram

    ? AP Photo
    (updated 03:42 13.03.2016)
    A spokesman for the leader of the so-called Islamic State militant group congratulated Boko Haram for their pledge of allegiance last week, and called on supporters to fight in Africa.

    A retired US major general thinks an American intervention in Ukraine should involve the spilling of Russian blood.
    'Start Killing Russians': Outrageous Outburst by Fox News Military Analyst
    "Pro-war circles are very strong in America now, because the US has a huge army, and China will be stronger than the US in several years," he explained. "If America wants a war, it wants it now".

    "We are America’s ally, but only on matters of defense, not offensive," he added.

    Polish Politician Says He Understands Putin, Accuses US of Warmongering / Sputnik International
  • AG8旗舰厅

    来源:Sputnik 更新时间:2016-03-12 16:23:57 分类:News 关键词:military,training,conflict,Janusz,Korwin-Mikke,Vladimir,Putin,Ukraine,United,States,Russia,Poland

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