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台湾负压风机: paudie mcgahon police prepare 'ira rape&#


He told the BBC's Spotlight programme that an IRA man, from a well-known republican family in Belfast,AG8旗舰厅厂房降温风机得到了广大客户的一致好评, abused him and then threatened him to remain silent.

Investigators found CSX Transportation, which owns the railroad bridge, had denied the film-makers permission to work on its tracks.


The director of the film Randall Miller and executive producer Jay Sedrish pleaded guilty on Monday.


来源:Bbc 更新时间:2016-03-12 10:29:35 分类:News


Assistant district attorney John B Johnson said Sarah Jones' family was "satisfied with the outcome".

Her father Richard Jones said he hoped "the sacrifice of our daughter's life will continue to change the film industry".'

Earlier, Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams said he believed Mr McGahon's story about being raped, however, he did not clarify whether he believed his claims that he was subjected to an IRA "kangaroo court".

Jones, who had been setting up camera equipment, died instantly when she was struck by the train's fuel tank and run over.

Jones's death led to nationwide calls for a push for improved safety standards on sets.

Mr McGahon and another man allege the offences took place at an identified locations in County Louth.

On Wednesday, Ch Supt Pat McGee confirmed that "the investigation is ongoing and a file will be sent to the DPP in due course".

Allman sued Miller in civil court last year to prevent the director from reviving the project. They settled out of court but terms were not disclosed.

Complaints were made to police in Drogheda towards the end of last year.

One of the complainants is Paudie McGahon, 40, who has alleged that he was raped by an IRA man when he was 17.

In the BBC programme, Mr McGahon said the IRA offered to kill the alleged rapist but instead expelled him to England.

Paudie McGahon: Police prepare 'IRA rape',AG8旗舰厅厂房通风方案得到了广大客户的一致好评; claim file

Paudie McGahon Paudie McGahon has told BBC Spotlight he was raped as a teenager by an alleged IRA man and that the IRA later subjected him to a "kangaroo court"

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Mr McGahon said he wanted the republican movement to acknowledge the truth of his story.

Miller was sentenced to two years in the Wayne County jail and an additional eight years on probation.

Filming was suspended in the aftermath of the accident, and actor William Hurt - who was due to play Allman - pulled out of the production.

Speaking to reporters outside the court on Monday he said: "I believe it sends a message, frankly, that if you do not respect those you're in charge of, you may end up behind bars.''

Greg Allman biopic train death trial ends

Randall Miller in court in May 2014 Miller, pictured during an earlier court appearance, will spend two years in county jail

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The 27-year-old was fatally struck after the crew placed a hospital bed on the railway tracks in Doctortown while filming a dream sequence.

Assistant director Hillary Schwartz was the final person to be convicted over the accident, which killed camera assistant Sarah Jones.

They admitted involuntary manslaughter and criminal trespassing to avoid trial.

The trial over a fatal train crash on the set of a biopic about the singer Gregg Allman has come to a close.

When asked on Wednesday by Irish broadcaster RT? about Mr McGahon's claims that he was subjected to internal IRA inquiries, Mr Adams said: "I don't know - the fact is there is a Garda [police] investigation under way."

Gregg Allman William Hurt had been cast as Allman (pictured) in the film

Greg Allman biopic train death trial ends


He said he was later subjected to an IRA "kangaroo court" after a Sinn Féin representative was told of the allegations.

The director, whose previous films include 2008's Bottle Shock, will also pay a $20,000 (?13,200) fine and work 360 hours of community service.

Sedrish received 10 years' probation which bars him from directing or serving as a first or second assistant director or crew supervisor, plus a $10,000 (?6,700) fine.

The train, which was travelling at 55 mph, shattered the bed, sending a shower of debris that injured other crew members.

Irish police have confirmed that a file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions over the alleged sexual assault of two males in County Louth in the 1990s.

His allegations were reported on the BBC Spotlight programme last night.

His guilty plea included a deal which saw charges dropped against his producer wife, Jody Savin.

He said Mr McGahon's alleged attacker should come forward.

Ms Schwartz waived her right for trial by jury and opted for a judge to decide her case.

She was sentenced to 10 years' probation and a $5,000 (?3,300) fine.

Paudie McGahon: Police prepare 'IRA rape' claim file


Six other crew members were also injured when they were hit by a train in February last year.

Earlier, Mr Adams said he only found out about the incident in 2009 when he was told by Sinn Féin Louth TD Arthur Morgan.

Jones was hit by a freight train on 20 February 2014 - the first day of filming on Midnight Rider - in south east Georgia.

来源:Bbc 更新时间:2016-03-12 10:29:23 分类:News

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